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Physical Health

What is Healthy Living?

A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that helps to reduce the risk of being seriously ill and preventing preventable diseases. The biggest benefits of healthy living are to reduce the likelihood of heart diseases, lung diseases and cancers whilst being able to be fit and active so that you can continue doing what you love doing.

Healthy Diet

Your food choices play a big part in your health, how you feel today, how you will feel tomorrow, and how you will feel in the future. Diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and should be combined with physical activity to help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risks of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. You can watch a short video on nutrition by clicking here.

These are the macro-nutrients that give our bodies energy and keep us moving. As well as ensuring a good mix of all of the above you should also:

  • Eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day.
  • Choose lower sugar products where possible.
  • Drink 8 glasses of fluid a day.
  • Limit your alcohol intake to below 14 units a week.

You can find more information on eating well at NHS Live Well – Eat Well. This includes more information on food types, recipes, and budget advice.

Healthy Activity Levels

For adults over the age of 18 it is advised that people take part in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity. It is also advised that you partake in 2 or more strength sessions a week targeting all of your major muscles.

You can find more information about Exercise on our Understanding Exercise page or at NHS Live Well – Exercise. This includes how to keep active when in pain, exercise tips, and fitness guides.

Healthy Body Weight

It is suggested that the healthiest bodyweight will have you at a Body Mass Index between 18.5 and 24.9. By keeping your BMI within this healthy range, this will lower your risks of Type 2 Diabetes, stroke, heart disease, some cancers, infertility, and other diseases.

You can find more information on Healthy Weight at NHS Live Well – Healthy Weight. This includes how to check your BMI, weight loss support, and weight gain support.

For more support West Sussex Wellbeing offers simple explanations and links to services on offer.

Brighton – Healthy Weight Support

Crawley Weight Off Workshops (BMI 25+)

Horsham Weight Off Workshops

Mid Sussex Weight Off Workshops

Chichester Weight Loss Workshops

Worthing & Adur Weight Loss Workshops

Arun Weight Loss Workshops


Sleep is incredibly important to our physical health. While we sleep our bodies recover and rebuild. It is important to have good sleep hygiene, including a regular sleep pattern.

Taking steps to reduce stress, and using techniques such as relaxation and mindfulness, can help you to better manage your symptoms and sleep. Research has shown that lack of sleep will “wind up” your nervous system (a bit like turning up the amplifier) causing you to feel more pain.

You can find more information about sleep at NHS Live Well – Sleep and Fatigue. This includes causes of tiredness, sleep tips, and ways to boost your energy levels. You can also find more support resources on our Sleep & Fatigue page.

Smoking, Drugs, and Alcohol

Smoking & Drugs

Smoking and taking drugs increases our chances of cancer and slows down the rate at which our bodies can recover. They are both addictive and reduce the effectiveness of your brain making it more likely for you to be challenged with mental health disorders.

You can find information about smoking and support for quitting smoking at NHS Live Well – Quit Smoking. This includes the benefits of quitting, facts and myths about smoking, and support to help you quit.

Further Support

Stop Smoking – Brighton Healthy Lifestyles Team

Stop Smoking – Crawley Wellbeing

Stop Smoking – Horsham Wellbeing

Stop Smoking – Mid Sussex Wellbeing

Stop Smoking - Chichester Wellbeing

Stop Smoking - Worthing & Adur Wellbeing

Stop Smoking - Arun Wellbeing


The current guidelines advise limiting alcohol to 14 units a week for women and men. This is the same as 6 pints of beer or 7 medium glasses of wine with 2 alcohol free days a week. The benefits of reducing your alcohol consumption include reducing your blood pressure, risk of cancer and liver fibrosis whilst improving your ability to concentrate and remember.

You can find information and support about alcohol at NHS Live Well – Alcohol Support. This includes a units calculator, useful resources, and advice and support for cutting down.

Further Support

Change, Grow, Live – For advice and information related to addictions.

Get help with alcohol or drug misuse in Brighton & Hove. Tel. 01273 294 589 Email.

West Sussex Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Network. Tel: 0330 128 1113

Further Health & Wellbeing Support

Crawley Wellbeing
West Sussex Wellbeing supports people to find local information and services. They offer advice and support on how to make small changes to improve your health and wellbeing, including how to stop smoking, how to become more active and how to make healthy meals. Tel. 01293 585317 Email.

Health and Fitness B&H
The Healthy Lifestyles Team in Brighton and Hove can also support you to access a wide range of local support for you or your family. If you would like to speak to someone about increasing your activity levels or would like to refer someone for support please contact them using the details below.
Telephone: 01273 294589

Horsham Wellbeing
Horsham Wellbeing supports people to find local information and services. They offer advice and support on how to make small changes to improve your health and wellbeing, including how to stop smoking, how to become more active and how to make healthy meals.
Telephone: 01403 215111

Mid Sussex Wellbeing
Mid Sussex Wellbeing – advice and support on how to make small changes to improve your health and wellbeing, including how to stop smoking, how to become more active and how to make healthy meals.
Telephone: 01444 477191

Chichester Further Health & Wellbeing Support

Worthing and Adur Further Health & Wellbeing Support

Arun Further Health & Wellbeing Support


NHS Inform (Health Self Help Guides)