What is Care Navigation?

Care Navigation centres around what matters to you. We look at how to best support your non-medical needs. Care Navigation can help support you to engage with activities and services in your community. These can help meet your social, emotional, and practical needs. They can work together with medical treatments to improve your health & wellbeing. We can signpost you to various resources, support services, and activities which may help with:

  • mental health and wellbeing
  • financial support
  • social isolation
  • managing multiple conditions
  • recovery services
  • help and advice
  • and much more

Care Navigation can help you access information about local resources for:

  • Activities
  • Gardening
  • Befriending
  • Health eating advice
  • Exercise
  • Social groups & support
  • Getting involved in your local community
  • and much more

Who Will I Be Seeing?

We have both Male & Female members within our service. You will be given the Care Navigators name when booking. If you have any preferences, please let us know so we can accommodate you.

How Do I Book My Place?

You can book yourself in using the link on your text message. You may need to use the 2nd drop down option to see the Specialist Hub (as below).

Please be advised this website is under ongoing development. Please report any issues to here.sussexmskhealthwebteam@nhs.net