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Support With New Aches & Pains

What To Do In The First Few Days

Though rest is beneficial initially, early movement is vital to reduce stiffness, weakness, and promote healing. You may have heard of R.I.C.E before, to use Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. This has now become the principle of P.O.L.I.C.E (Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

Protection: A short period of rest can be beneficial to help your pain. Total rest should be limited to prevent loss of range of movement and muscle weakness.
Optimal Loading: Early activity promotes recovery. Gradually progress your activity quantity and intensity to optimise healing and prevent muscle loss.
Ice: Applying ice for 20 minutes three times a day may help you to reduce your pain and can reduce your swelling.
Compression: You can use a compressive bandage to reduce any swelling. Make sure that this is applied evenly to the affected area.
Elevation: Raise your injury above your heart during short periods of rest. This is to help your swelling and reduce your pain.

What To Do In The First Few Days

Once the first few days have passed following P.O.L.I.C.E you need to give your injury some L.O.V.E.

Load: Gradual return to activity. Listen to your body. Rest as needed.
Optimism: Be confident. Be positive (there is evidence that this can help your recovery). Condition your brain for optimal recovery.
Vascularisation: Choose pain free activity. Gradually increase your activity. Get moving to promote blood flow.
Exercise: Maintain your mobility and regain muscular strength. Work on your balance. Keep active.

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getUBetter is available for all our patients. This free NHS tool can help you to self-manage a range of muscle, bone & joint conditions and injuries.
getUBetter gives you the knowledge, confidence, and skills to help you imporive your MSK health. It offers local tips, advice & exercises tailored to you and your stage of recovery.